mportant dates
January 14 - Spelling Bee 2:00
January 18 - NO SCHOOL (teacher inservice day)
January 21 - NO SCHOOL (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
February 18 - NO SCHOOL (President's Day)
Our focus for this semester will be on nonfiction texts; however, students will still be working in fiction book clubs and focusing on the work we have done around themes. Right now, we are learning about complex nonfiction texts and all of the features that we need to muddle through in order to understand the text itself. In order to do this, we are focusing on text structures, text features, vocabulary, main idea & supporting details. In order to help your child with nonfiction, and continue to foster their love of reading, you can help them gather materials that are nonfiction. Going to the library or encouraging them to read magazines like Sports Illustrated for Kids, Time for Kids, Scholastic News (they have access to this online), and more can help spark their interest in learning.
Our goals are:
I can summarize a text by explaining how multiple details work together to communicate the main idea.
I can identify the claims presented in a text.
I can explain how a claim in a text is supported by reasons and evidence.
I can explain the relationship between specific parts of a nonfiction text and the overall organizational structure of the text.
I can compare how two texts from the same genre approach similar themes and topics.
I can determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases.
I can describe the meaning of common idioms, adages, or proverbs.
I can identify symbolism, metaphors, and imagery in a text.
I can use headings and images to signal logical groupings of information.
I can link reasons and evidence or details to main ideas using words, phrases, and clauses.
Students will begin working on formulating a research based argumentative essay. In the beginning of our unit, we will be working on writing on a common argument: Should Chocolate Milk be served in schools? Once we are done with that, students will be invited to research an argument of their own.
Our goals are:
I can identify the claims presented in a text.
I can explain how a claim in a text is supported by reasons and evidence.
I can introduce a topic in an introductory paragraph.
I can use headings and images to signal logical groupings of information.
I can link reasons and evidence or details to main ideas using words, phrases, and clauses.
I can provide a concluding section or paragraph at the end of a text.
I can state clear claims about a topic or text.
I can provide reasons for claims that are supported by evidence.
I can integrate information from multiple sources into a text.
I can write for the purpose and task described by a prompt.
I can edit for subject/verb agreement and inappropriate shifts in verb tense.
I can edit for correct capitalization.
I can use italics, quotation marks, and underlining to indicate the titles of works.
I can use commas to set off elements of a sentence and to form lists.
I can edit for spelling.
We will be finishing up our work on addition and subtraction of fractions and we will be working on decimals next. Students will be learning how to order, compare, round and add/subtract decimals all the way to the thousandths place. When this short unit is over, students will be moving on to multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals. In order to help your child, you could have them put the cost of a couple of items on the grocery list in order from least to greatest. Here is an example of what the students will be learning:

January 14 - Spelling Bee 2:00
January 18 - NO SCHOOL (teacher inservice day)
January 21 - NO SCHOOL (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
February 18 - NO SCHOOL (President's Day)
Our focus for this semester will be on nonfiction texts; however, students will still be working in fiction book clubs and focusing on the work we have done around themes. Right now, we are learning about complex nonfiction texts and all of the features that we need to muddle through in order to understand the text itself. In order to do this, we are focusing on text structures, text features, vocabulary, main idea & supporting details. In order to help your child with nonfiction, and continue to foster their love of reading, you can help them gather materials that are nonfiction. Going to the library or encouraging them to read magazines like Sports Illustrated for Kids, Time for Kids, Scholastic News (they have access to this online), and more can help spark their interest in learning.
Our goals are:
I can summarize a text by explaining how multiple details work together to communicate the main idea.
I can identify the claims presented in a text.
I can explain how a claim in a text is supported by reasons and evidence.
I can explain the relationship between specific parts of a nonfiction text and the overall organizational structure of the text.
I can compare how two texts from the same genre approach similar themes and topics.
I can determine the meaning of unknown words and phrases.
I can describe the meaning of common idioms, adages, or proverbs.
I can identify symbolism, metaphors, and imagery in a text.
I can use headings and images to signal logical groupings of information.
I can link reasons and evidence or details to main ideas using words, phrases, and clauses.
Students will begin working on formulating a research based argumentative essay. In the beginning of our unit, we will be working on writing on a common argument: Should Chocolate Milk be served in schools? Once we are done with that, students will be invited to research an argument of their own.
Our goals are:
I can identify the claims presented in a text.
I can explain how a claim in a text is supported by reasons and evidence.
I can introduce a topic in an introductory paragraph.
I can use headings and images to signal logical groupings of information.
I can link reasons and evidence or details to main ideas using words, phrases, and clauses.
I can provide a concluding section or paragraph at the end of a text.
I can state clear claims about a topic or text.
I can provide reasons for claims that are supported by evidence.
I can integrate information from multiple sources into a text.
I can write for the purpose and task described by a prompt.
I can edit for subject/verb agreement and inappropriate shifts in verb tense.
I can edit for correct capitalization.
I can use italics, quotation marks, and underlining to indicate the titles of works.
I can use commas to set off elements of a sentence and to form lists.
I can edit for spelling.
We will be finishing up our work on addition and subtraction of fractions and we will be working on decimals next. Students will be learning how to order, compare, round and add/subtract decimals all the way to the thousandths place. When this short unit is over, students will be moving on to multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals. In order to help your child, you could have them put the cost of a couple of items on the grocery list in order from least to greatest. Here is an example of what the students will be learning: