There is so much going on these next two weeks that I wanted to give you all a heads up and a checklist to keep up!
Thursday 12/13:
I will have a substitute in my room while I conduct one-on-one reading assessments.
Tuesday 12/18:
As my gift to these kiddos we will be a having a Read-a-Thon in class. Students will be reading throughout the day in various ways and in various subjects. Students are allowed to bring a beach towel (or similar size blanket) and a SMALL throw pillow to get cozy. I will provide hot chocolate and candy canes as well.
Wednesday 12/19:
Our field trip to the Museum of Nature and Science. The following people have volunteered to attend (I will email you separately): Mrs. Cook, Mr. Edwards. Ms. Lear, and Mrs. Lueth. I have one spot still available! If you haven't already, please sign up at My School Bucks.
Thursday 12/20:
Last day before break. We will have a class book exchange. Please bring in a wrapped new or gently used book that other kids in the class would want. For our class party we will be having a lunch pizza party (more information to come later)
Friday 12/21:
No School. Enjoy your winter break with your families!