Class Info

I am so excited to be your child's teacher and to make this year a successful one!  Below are a few polices and procedures I often get asked about.  Please feel free to contact me about any of them or to ask further questions.

Students are given a planner at the beginning of the year.  Each day we spend 5-10 minutes writing down what we did during the day as a way to keep track and communicate home.  Students know that the expectation is to copy down in their planner the exact way I model for them.  At the bottom of each day, homework is listed.  Occasionally, I will ask for a signature in the planner to communicate that graded work went home and that you saw it.

Birthday Treats
You may send in birthday treats with your kiddo.  No need to check with me first!  We typically share them and sing near the end of the day.

On most assignments I will make comments about individual problems or questions and then give and overall grade of 1-4.  This rubric stands for:

4 or + The work is exceptional and the student's explanation, quality of work, or evidence of deep thinking is above and beyond my expectations.
3 or checkmark The work is clear, well explained, and meets all expectations.
The work meets some expectations, but may be somewhat unclear or have a few minor inaccuracies
1 or -  The work is inaccurate or unclear and does not meet expectations.

Homework isn't graded for a grade.  It is considered practice.  I do check to make sure it is completed every day and go over it with students so they can get feedback on how well they are doing.

Word Work
We will alternate this year weekly between spelling and Wordly Wise, our vocabulary curriculum.  Spelling words will be given out on Monday and a quiz of 10 words chosen randomly from the list will be given on Friday.  How you and your child chose to study is completely up to you.  I can give suggestions as needed, but this work will not need to be turned in.  Wordly Wise lessons (there are usually 4-5 activities a week) will be assigned on Monday and all work needs to be completed by Friday, as well as being prepared for a quiz on these words.  There is a reading passage at the end of each lesson that I expect students to read, but they do not need to complete the questions that go with the passage.  The quizzes often times use the words in context and are not just a memorized definition matching.

I view homework as a way to practice skills done in class, communicate to families, and to build responsibility.  I do a combination of both weekly and nightly homework.  Each week students are required to read 100 minutes and to practice math facts/skills for 30 minutes.  This is a Friday - Friday assignment.  I always say that if you count it as reading, I will count it as reading (books, blogs, articles, magazines, etc.)  Also, because it is Friday to Friday how your child completes the time is completely up to you and your family's schedule.  Daily homework changes all the time.  Some days we have a math sheet or two; some days it is to complete something done in class.  Please see your kiddo's planner for this daily.

Oops Slips
Oops Slips are simple a way for me to keep track of students' homework and to communicate with parents what that an assignment wasn't complete or turned in on time.  Your child will bring home the slip with the missing assignment for you to sign and to complete for the next day.  If they don't bring it back the next day, they will earn a Strike.

We have a long time before our lunch!! I do allow students to have a snack every morning to get them through the day.  I am a believer that this snack is for fuel and to help students focus, therefore I ask that it be on the nutritional side.  I do not allow any candy during this time.  As a way to build healthy habits, I do give out Guessaroonies when students bring a fruit or a vegetable.  I understand that there are many other "healthy" options but do not want to get into disputes on to the nutritional value of all the options.  Everyone can agree that a fruit or a vegetable is healthy.

We follow the school rules of Going for the GOLD!  When I see a students exemplifying this they can earn a Guessaroonie.  Students LOVE our weekly Guessaroonie Jar.  If your student wins the the jar, I ask that they fill it up over the weekend with whatever they want.  They need to know how many items are in it (often written on a piece of paper placed inside so they don't forget), and they get to see who wins the next week.  As far as consequences go, I will give Strikes when students aren't meeting expectations.  This is just a verbal reminder for students where they fill out a form that has them briefly reflect on what their actions were.  I will communicate to you how many Strikes your child received or if they earned a Home Run for the week every Thursday in their planner.  I ask that if a Strike was earned, a parent signature is shown to make sure you are aware.  On Fridays we will have a Home Run Recess for those who have earned this time.

Thank you again for helping in this partnership!  Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.  I believe it is going to be a great year!