What's going on in class?

We just concluded our Geography Unit in which students analyzed the different regions of the United States looking for similarities and differences is key concepts.  These included: climate, natural resources, agriculture, products and industry, culture, and major landforms and attractions.  They then extended their knowledge of the region by creating a new NFL franchise for the region.  This showed that they knew their region well and were able to analyze concepts to develop not only a team, but also location and mascot that would be fitting.
What you can do at home?
Ask them why they chose the city they did and mascot they did.  Start having discussions about where products and natural resources come from around the US. 

We have begun our first book club reading for the year.  Each student is reading a novel that is fitting of their reading level.  We are delving into ideas such as characterization, character motivations, problems and solutions, and deciphering theme.  Students are being asked to not only read deeper, but also to increase their reading volume. 
What you can do at home?
Encourage more and more reading!!  There is a direct correlation to the volume of reading done to all aspects of reading development: fluency, vocabulary, spelling, and comprehension.  Also, when students tell you about their book ask more specific questions for follow up: why would that character act in that way?  What does the author want you to think about when they wrote that?  How would you handle the problems arising in this book?

We are currently finishing up our Personal Narrative Unit where students wrote about not only an important moment of their lives, but also incorporated story elements such as a story arc and theme.  Students are learning that authors not only write often, but write to express an idea or message.
Next we will be moving on to the structures of a well written paragraph and essay.  This will be the foundation for most of the other writing we do this year: research based argumentative essays and historical informational essays.

We are beginning Unit 2 of our math series.  Here we will focus on volume of rectangular prisms and irregular rectangular prisms.  Please view the Family Letter Here

We have taken a brief look at cells, cell organelles, and the differences between plant and animal cells.  This is the basis of all life and will help us understand that every living thing must perform all Life Processes.  Now that we have that concept understood, we will look at the different organs and organ systems of the human body to see how they are imperative to animals performing those life processes.  Our first system will be the digestive system.
What you an do at home?
Talk more about nutrition and how what we eat (or don't eat) affects our organs.