Field Trip

We are excited to add to the classroom learning of our Life Science Unit on Body Systems by going to the Museum of Nature and Science and experiencing a dissection of a lamb's lung.  Students will first rotate a few experiments and fill out a lab book to record their findings.  After, they will work in pairs to dissect a lung, getting hands on experience of the great things we have been learning in class.

In addition to the respiratory system, in class we will also learn about the circulatory system, digestive system, and excretory.  We will relate all these to Life Processes and show how they all are a part of a larger system that keeps us alive.  Students will look at this system and analyze its interdependance and functions of each part.  Students will also discover how parts and systems are affected when disease, illness, or breakdown occurs.  As we wrap up this unit, students will create a product using technology to demonstrate their learning.

As an extension, students will also get the opportunity to research other systems and discern how they work with the other systems and their functions (bones, muscles, central nervous, etc.).

Student Blogger - Avery

Hello Gold Rush Families
We have been working on many important things is class and
want you to know all about them!

MATH:  In math we have been starting a new unit, fractions.  We are
doing a review on them and then we are going on to the harder
things.  Our last unit was finding the volume on a rectangular prism
and splitting a rectangle in half to find the volume too.

Reading:  In reading we are doing our book club books.  We are also
doing an entry to what we are thinking, themes, why the author put
that, and what problems does the character have.  Almost everyday
we meet with our book club group and have a deep discussion about
what is going on in the book.

Science/ Social Studies:  Right now we are doing science.  In science
we did an energy project about an energy source.(Biomass, Wind
Power, Hydropower, Geothermal.) Also, we will be working on the
digestive system and how it works.

Writing:  In writing we have been doing essays.  In those essays we
have been writing about our new energy source that we chose.  We
have to write about where we want to put it(State), what would the
company need, and How it will effect.  We just finished writing
paragraph of all certain things.

This week parents can come in and see what their kid has been doing
in class.  (“The Celebration Of Learning”) Also we have the
Thanksgiving feast. Parents can come in and but tickets to have
the food that the lunch ladies make.  We are doing the canned food
drive this week and we are helping the Parker Task Force.
Remember this week we also have the BOOK FAIR in the library!


Important Dates
11/6 - No School; Election Day!!
11/12 - 11/16 - Fall Book Fair
11/14 - Celebration of Learning & Family Feast
11/19 - 11/23 - Thanksgiving Break (Fall Break #2)

12/21 - No School; Winter Break starts
12/21 - 1/4 - Winter Break

Celebration of Learning (12:25-12:55) & Family Feast (12:55-1:15) See Mrs. Brown's Blog for more information.


We are continuing our look at theme, however we are constantly trying to dig deeper and analyze our texts that we are reading. Last week, we compared theme between two texts. We also started new book club books. The hope is that we can continue our comparison between two or more texts. The standards in fiction texts we have been working towards are:

  • I can compare how two texts from the same genre approach similar themes and topics
  • I can identify details in a text that develop a theme
  • I can compare characters, settings, or events in a narrative text
  • I can describe relationships between events in a narrative text
To help your child, after they finish reading, ask them what is the author trying to teach you in the story. You can start with, "The big lesson is..." or "Sometimes in life..." You can ask them what the big idea of the story is and how the characters or setting influence that idea. Asking them questions like, "What does this book say about (the big idea, ie Friendship, hope, family, etc)?"

After Thanksgiving Break, we will begin a four week study of nonfiction.


We wrapped up our narrative unit by looking at mentor texts. We dug into the author's craft to study how the author's wrote their stories and then we picked small craft's to work on in our own writing. You will see this writing at the Celebration of Learning. Our next unit has been our paragraph boot-camp getting students ready to write strong multi-paragraphs for the rest of their 5th grade life and beyond. :) In a week, we will begin our study of responding to literature. Students will use short stories and have to formulate a response based on a question this is provided to them.

The standards that we have been working towards and will be working on are as follows:
  • I can create event sequences that illustrate a clear causal relationship
  • I can use descriptive details to develop settings, experiences, characters, and events
  • I can use dialogue to develop character personality and reactions
  • I can separate run-on sentences in a draft
  • I can edit for subject/verb agreement and inappropriate shifts in verb tense
  • I can edit for correct capitalization
  • I can use italics, quotation marks, and underlining to indicate the titles of works
  • I can use commas to set off elements of a sentence and to form lists
  • I can edit for spelling
  • I can write for the purpose and task described by a prompt
  • I can write for the audience identified by a prompt
  • I can integrate information from multiple sources into a text
  • I can state clear claims about a topic or text
  • I can provide reasons for claims that are supported by evidence


We have finished up our unit on volume and will be taking the test on Wednesday. After that, students will be working with equivalent fractions, ordering fractions, and adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers. During the unit, students will work on the following:

Here are some things that you can work on with your child at home:

The standards that we have been working toward and will be working toward are as follows:

  • I can multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
  • I can divide multi-digit whole numbers using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and the relationship between multiplication and division.
  • I can use the properties of place value and multiples of 10 to simplify and solve problems.
  • I can shift a decimal value in relation to its decimal point by multiplying or dividing it by a power of 10.
  • I can compare decimal values.
  • I can determine the volume of right rectangular prisms by packing them with unit cubes.
  • I can calculate the volume of right rectangular prisms arithmetically.
  • I can calculate the volume of three-dimensional figures composed of right rectangular prisms.
  • I can analyze the relationships between numerical patterns.

We have continued our study of living systems. Students have learned about the makeup of cells and soon will be embarking in the study of tissues and organs.  After Thanksgiving we will be sending home information regarding the field trip we will be going on. This field trip to the Museum of Nature and Science will further our understanding of body systems including a dissection of a lung. Students will also learn about the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive system. We will briefly touch on the endocrine, muscle, nervous, excretory, and skeletal systems as well.

Further information:

Please continue to collect box tops. We will have another collection in February or March. Also, if you can spare some more canned foods or non-perishable foods for donations that would be awesome! I am trying to dig through my own pantry for donation. The pantries become bare around holidays and if we fill those pantries at the Parker Task Force, we will be helping our fellow community members! Thank you so much!!