A reminder that Reading Logs are due every Friday and should be signed by both your child and you to help foster not only volume of reading but also to build a love of reading.

Also, thank you for signing the 5 minute Math Drill this week. As I mentioned at Back to School Night, the math in 5th grade gets quite hard, quite fast. Knowing multiples and factors will help students grasp concepts faster by seeing patterns and connections between numbers. We will hit division, fractions, decimals, and algebra this year and knowing these facts will be important to not only their understanding of concepts, but also to their speed of getting through work.
We've done a lot of assessments this week and will continue to do a few more next week. I'm happy to share information with you at conferences if you'd like. These assessments are not only required by the state, but also help me reach your child where they are at and help them grow.
CogAT testing his coming up. Here is more information about what this test is and when we will be taking it.
Finally, Digger Dash packets went home today. We had a fun assembly to promote our biggest fundraiser of the year. This year, we plan on using the money in a few ways, but one of the biggest will be to boost and update reading material for the classrooms. With our new reading program, we feel it is important to have quality books that will truly engage all students. Thanks for your support.